A Sincere Thank You For Absolute Support

An appreciation letter from a PRO Engineering / Manufacturing Inc. client on support to help them get back to production after experiencing a complicated mechanically issue that shut them down. https://sites.google.com/view/proengineeringmanufacturing
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September 21, 2023 Andrzej Michalski Senior Support Engineer Pro-Engineering 11175 W. Heather Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53224 Dear Andrzej, AI have been supporting the beverage industry for close to 30 years as a design / build engineering firm. Over this time frame, I have had the opportunity to work with literally hundreds of beverage related process equipment manufacturers. While most of these suppliers meet today’s service and support expectations, there are those very few that go so far beyond today’s service standards, that their extraordinary efforts need to be shared with the world. Pro-Engineering is one of these elite manufacturers. I am proud to have Pro-Engineering as a member of my company’s Preferred Partners Program. Over the years, ProEngineering has consistently outperformed my expectations on the projects we have worked on together. However, your support this week at my current client goes well beyond anything I have ever experienced in the 30 years I have been supporting the beverage industry. This client purchased a Pro-Engineering tunnel pasteurizer for a new RTD canning plant in MT. Pro-Engineering created a set of certified drawings and operating specification which the client approved. After a final master can line layout drawing was created, Pro-Engineering offered a suggestion that would optimize the can line footprint, which was approved by the client. There was no charge for the extra efforts and machine modifications and the recommendations were eagerly approved. The client received your tunnel pasteurizer a few months ago, but never updated their internal master layout drawing which resulted in the tunnel pasteurizer being installed incorrectly. This incorrect customer installation resulted in the conveyance operating right to left rather than the improved left to right. With the entire can line being scheduled for start up in just 10 days, the client was in a really tough spot and asked for help. Pro-Engineering’s machine design team quickly reviewed the issue and came up with a mechanical solution, but it would take a day on site to make the changes necessary to correct the issue. Not only did you agree to drive from Milwaukee, WI to Montana within a 3 day notice, but your company owner also drove with you to ensure the mechanical changes were performed exactly as required. Today, you called to confirm that all necessary changes have been successfully completed and that we are on schedule for our entire can line start-up next week Monday at 7:00am MST as originally planned. You even coordinated a service tech to be on site to verify wiring and programming for optimum operation on Monday. Wow!!! Really….WOW! I cannot thank you and Ed enough for your unmatched level of service and support. Thank You so much!! Sincerely, a customer forever! Vernon J. Spaulding - President / Owner - Providence Process Solutions, LLC. Providence Process Solutions, LLC - [email protected] - Cell: 262.770.1292 Vernon J. Spaulding President / Owner Providence Process Solutions C: 262-770-1292 E: [email protected] W: www.prov-ps.com Providence Process Solutions, LLC - [email protected] - Cell: 262.770.1292